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Filters and filtering materials

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Filters and filtering materials - 1
Filters and filtering materials 2
Filters and filtering materials 2
Filters and filtering materials
The given materials are used to keep foreign solid particles from getting inside rubbing parts, mechanisms, ... More
The given materials are used to keep foreign solid particles from getting inside rubbing parts, mechanisms, engines, fuel pumps and other components. The size of such solid particles does not exceed 10-20 microns. Particularly dangerous are quartz particles, which are harder than steel and cause rapid wear of rubbing surfaces and distortion of their geometric shape.
Product code:2118111100
Price:Up for discussion
We have a wide selection of different filters and filter materials.

  • Air filters;
  • Oil filters;
  • Fuel filters;
  • Transmission filters;
  • Hydraulic filters;
Filtering materials:
  • Air filter;
  • Water filters;
  • Coconut fiber;
  • Granules of a nutshell;

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