Quality & competence:
Lifesaving signs (LSS / LSA)
Lifesaving signs are used to indicate the position and type of life-saving equipment on the vessel, so passengers and crew can find and use it in shortest possible time. The category also includes old signs on vessels built before 1st January 2019 that can be used until the time any modifications, repairs, alterations are made in accordance with A.1116(30) regulation. In addition here you can also find supplementary signs to be placed beside or underneath the main lifesaving equipment to indicate its number or direction.

All signs are in accordance with IMO Resolution A.1116(30), ISO 7010 and ISO 24409.
Safety signs
Safety signs indicate the position and type of life-saving equipment on the vessel. Passengers and crew guided by such signs can find and use life saving equipment in a matter of seconds. Here you can also find old signs that are used on vessels built before 1st January 2019 until they undergo modifications, repairs, alterations.

Confirms to A.1116(30) regulation.

Additionally, the category contains supplementary signs, that are usually put beside or underneath the main lifesaving equipment to indicate its number.
Direction signs
Direction signs are required to be placed on vessels, according to IMO Resolution A.1116(30) and ISO 7010 to help passengers and crew to find a way out from a vessel or to a Muster station or Assembly point.

The category also includes old signs on vessels built before 1st January 2019 that can be used until the time any modifications, repairs, alterations are made in accordance with A.1116(30) regulation.
Fire control symbols
Fire control symbols are approved by the IMO Resolution A.1116(30), ISO 17631 for use as signs to fulfill the demand of the maritime industry.

All vessels built before 1st January 2019 will be required to replace old signs included in this list, as it is required by the aforementioned A.1116(30). The signs will be replaced when an ocean-going vessel is assigned for modification, repair, or other type of work.

IMO symbols

IMO symbols (visual safety signs) indicate the location of rescue and fire-fighting equipment, emergency exits, escape routes.

Compliant with the rules of SOLAS - 74/83 and the recommendations of the IMO resolution.

Symbols are divided into fire, prescriptive, warning, prohibiting, informational, as well as low-lying lighting, information posters (posters).

They are made on self-adhesive durable ORACAL film or its analogs PVC, on hard plastics in the form of plates or on Gaverton metal.

Photoluminescent film is resistant to aggressive environmental influences, has the ability to accumulate light, is intended for use in harsh climatic conditions, as well as for marking escape routes.

Reflective tape is used for symbols on "inland" navigation vessels. Such signs only reflect light from external sources.

Here you can find 18 subsections of all categories of marks in accordance with the ISSA, IMPA ship supply catalogs.