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Nautical Navigation Tools

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Nautical Navigation Tools
The nautical navigational tools are used for calculating and compiling routes on navigational charts. The sa... More
The nautical navigational tools are used for calculating and compiling routes on navigational charts. The safety of navigation depends, first of all, on the availability of a precise navigational instrument and the ability to use it correctly.
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Product code
Parallel navigational rule
Nautical triangle
Straight pattern dividers
Product code:2012110100
Price:Up for discussion
The navigational tool consists of the following:
  • Parallel navigational rule (plain);
  • Nautical trianle;
  • Straight pattern dividers
The navigator's parallel rule is used to solve various navigational tasks on a navigation chart, to plot navigation courses, bearings, position lines, and also to draw straight lines parallel to a given direction on a navigation chart. There are two types - wooden and plastic. Plastic ones are more popular due to their low cost and better wear resistance. Can be either 450 or 650 mm in length

The nautical trianle is used to measure or plot angles, to draw straight lines parallel to the required direction on the map. The protractor is made of special organic transparent glass. In shape, it looks like a right triangle with legs equal to 236 mm. Measures an angle from 0 to 180 to 360, division value 1.

The straight pattern dividers are used to measure and bear distances on the nautical chart. It is similar in shape to a divider and consists of two legs with sharp needles at the ends. The legs are moved apart to the required angle for measurements. Made from stainless steel.

As an additional auxiliary tool, a pencil and an eraser, a navigational magnifying glass, penknives, pencil sharpeners, a soft paint brush can be used to sweep away the remains of an eraser from a navigation chart, a navigational table and from chart boxes.
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  • Repair and maintenance of radio navigation equipment
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