Emergency Drinking Water is produced and tested in accordance with the requirements of World Health Organization. It is of highest quality, packed in sealed watertight containers of 0.5 l. Emergency Drinking Water pack is intended for one person only. It satisfies international requirements for chemical and microbiological content and conforms to SOLAS. Also usable in a frozen condition. Drink directly from the sachet and maximum 0.5 L every 24 hrs.
Emergency Drinking Water fully meets the requirements of Part II, para. of "Life-saving appliances" in "Rules for the Equipment of Sea-Going ships", pub.2011, rules І/1.2, MK ІV/ SOLAS (LSA) (MSC .48 (66) as amended by IMO Res. MSC.218 (82).
- Consists of 5 inner sachets of 2 x 50 ml;
- Easy-to-open packaging, stored at temperature, ranging from - 30°С to + 65°С;
- Expiration date - unconditionally 5 years from date of production marked on the packaging;