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SINTO S6 synthetic foam concentrate

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SINTO S6 synthetic foam concentrate  - 1
SINTO S6 synthetic foam concentrate - 1
SINTO S6 synthetic foam concentrate
SINTO S6 is the best general purpose synthetic foam concentrate for volumetric fire-fighting with solid wate... More
SINTO S6 is the best general purpose synthetic foam concentrate for volumetric fire-fighting with solid water retention. It is designed to extinguish fires of class A and B (B1). Preserves material assets from destruction by water! It can be used with various types of foaming equipment (aspiration, generating low-, medium- and high-expansion foam).

Product code:1821102100
Price:Up for discussion
SINTO S6 is a new generation synthetic foam concentrate. It is the best general purpose synthetic foam concentrate for volumetric fire-fighting with solid water retention.

Designed to extinguish fires of class A and B (B1), allows to obtain low-, medium- and high-expansion foam, and is very efficient in application. High-expansion foam is used for inerting large volumes. Medium expansion foam can be used to limit the evaporation of certain gases. For the preparation of the working solution, potable, industrial water, fresh water and sea water can be used. Preserves material assets from destruction by water! It can be used with various types of foaming equipment (aspiration, generating low-, medium- and high-expansion foam).

Field of application: due to its technical characteristics, it is recommended for use in rescue operations for fire departments, for the protection of oil storage facilities, for volumetric fire-fighting of pumping stations for pumping oil products with high-expansion foam, for the protection of underground garages, aircraft hangars, shops, factories, administrative and residential buildings and other facilities where it is important to localize and extinguish the fire with the least material losses.

Ecology and environmental protection: SINTO S6 foaming agent is biodegradable, non-toxic; the product comes with anti-corrosion capabilities, and is stable. Complies with the requirements of the current sanitary legislation of Ukraine No. 05.03.02-04/43896.

Approval: foam characteristics comply with the current national and European standards, suitable for use in fire-fighting systems that meet the requirements of DSTU B EN 13565-2: 2013, DSTU 3789-98; ISO 7203-2, DSTU 7142: 2009, DSTU 7143: 2009. Certificate of Conformity UkrSEPRO UА 1.016.0206768-13. Manufactured according to TU U 30284125-001-2000. Classification by fire-killing capability and degree of re-ignition (III, C).

Delivery: SINTO S6 foaming agent is always available in the company's warehouse in the required quantity and available for order. Supplied in bulk in tanks, as well as in polyethylene containers of 1000, 200, 20 liters.

Maintenance: Periodic inspection control should only be performed by accredited laboratories. The first periodic quality control of the foaming agent should be carried out within 3 years as from the date of production, and every year after the first control.

Shelf life: guaranteed shelf life of SINTO S6 foaming agent in original factory packaging under storage conditions is at least 10 years.

Physical and chemical features:
  • pH: 7.05
  • Density at 20 °С: 1020 kg/m³
  • Pour point: -15 °С
  • Interracial tension: 23.0 mN/m

The foam properties in accordance with DSTU Standards 3789-98, ISO 7203-1, ISO 7203-2.
Foam expansion: Low Medium High
Proportioning rate: 6% 6% 4-6%
Foam expansion: 9 130 800
Foam consistency 25% of water drainage, sec 480 - -
Foam consistency 50% of water drainage, sec - 1020 -